Ashley Chang
January 29, 2016
About Me

Getting to Know Me

1. If you play a sport, what type of sport do you play? How long have you been playing this sport?

When I was younger I played soccer. However, I no longer participate in sports.

2. What are you passionate about? For example, in your free time, what do you enjoy doing the most? 

In my free time I like to watch a lot of movies and shows. It's kind of like an escape for me.

3. What THE MOST ridiculous lie you ever told? Why did you tell this lie?

I want to say the last time I lied was when I said "sorry I thought I replied", whenever I would just forget to answer. It's certainly not the most ridiculous lie I've ever told, but I don't remember any ridiculous lies. 

4. When you write, do you just sit at the computer and allow the words to flow or do you have an outline?

When I write, my method of writing usually changes with my mood. Sometimes, the words flow right through me, while other times I need to have an outline to guide myself through it. 

5. How would you describe your writing experience so far? What do you most want to learn from this course? 

My writing experience has been pleasant. I have grown a lot as a writer but I would still like to grow more. 

6. What was the name of the most recent book you've read from cover to cover?

I honestly don't remember he most recent book I've read from cover to cover. I did start reading a book before the semester start. However, I had to stop because I have a lot of reading to do this semester. 

7. How often do you write on social media: Face book, twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram? 

I usually do not write much on my social media. I watch videos, or look at other peoples post. 

8. What is most import for you to learn this semester?

This semester I hope to learn how to prepare myself ahead of time for all the work that I will have to do.

9. What is your definition of a hero? 

A hero to me would be someone who comforts. Someone who protects you and makes you feel safe. I would say kind of like parents. They're always there to help you feel safe and help pick you up. That's what a real hero is. 

10. When was the last time you failed at something? What did you learn from this experience? 

I absolutely HATE failing. I feel like everyone around me gets disappointed. This is why I always try my best at things. Last semester, I earn two C. To me, that was failing. I felt this way because I knew I could have done better. I have learned to always put my best foot forward. This semester I am not taking any chances. 

11. Rate yourself as a writer: A, B, C, or D. Explain why. 

I would consider myself to be in between a B and an A because I feel that I structure my papers correctly and I put all the information necessary. However, I know there's always room to grow.